Marketing Services & Consulting

EIT engages in a variety of primarily IT marketing engagements.  These efforts are available for either a fixed project fee or completing and billed using EIT’s standard hourly rate.

Find below a partial list of the services IT has performed.

Content Management

Fresh and relevant content is vital to ‘informational’ web sites and micro sites.  EIT, with consultation of your product manager experts, has the technical and sales experience and knowledge to independently maintain IT informational sites with current and relevant content.

Marketing Consulting

EIT’s experience as an IT end-user, reseller and distributor provides a unique perspective to IT marketing campaigns. Collateral, call scripts, content creation and general marketing consulting are just a few of the services provided by EIT to help you optimize your marketing efforts.

What Sellers Need to Know Guide Series

This series of sales guides developed for Arrow Enterprise Computing Solutions, provides the insights and reference information that both new and experienced sales professionals can use to target, market and sell the targeted solution.

Sales Playbooks

Sales Playbooks are designed to provide a sales roadmap for the targeted product.  It includes information on the target product market, business case building information along with sales tactics.


Guides provide sales professionals end-user deliverable information on the targeted product.

Competitive Insights

This document focus on information and resources important to sales professionals when assessing the competition of the target product.

Customizable Product Briefs

These briefs are designed to be used as a leave-behind with a customer. They are delivered in a format to allow customization with a  logo.

LinkedIn Profile Updates

LinkedIn is an important networking tool for IT professionals.  Established professionals can use their LinkedIn profiles as an introduction to not only themselves, but also their company and role within the company.  This style of profile is especially useful to business professionals speaking with, or meeting a new business contact.  EIT professionally designs and writes LinkedIn profiles to enhance established professionals profiles.

Marketing Communication

EIT uses a variety of industry standard tools to provide marketing communication services. These services include email creation and list management.

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